The following compendium is provided as an overview of our project experiences. The projects are listed in descending order, so you find the latest projects on top of the view.
- Industrial Company for Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology Products near Frankfurt, Germany
- Risk Management and Compliance with GRC Access Control
- SAP Security and Role Remediation
- Third Level SAP Security Support
- Company in the Confectionery Industry near Cologne, Germany
- SAP Security and Role Remediation
- Third Level SAP Security Support
- Company in the Food and Confectionery Industry, Frankfurt, Germany
- Risk Management and Compliance with GRC Access Control
- SAP Security and Role Remediation
- IdM Enhancements, User Administration
- Third Level SAP Security Support
- System Monitoring, Job Scheduling.
- ESPRIT EUROPE GmbH, Ratingen, Germany
- SAP Security and Segregation of Duties.
- SKYTEC AG, Munich, Germany
- Business Blueprint for a SAP EHS Implementation.
- BAYER HEALTHCARE, Leverkusen, Germany
- SAP Security and Segregation of Duties (SOD / SOX Compliance).
- CEMEX, Monterrey, Mexico
- SAP Security in a BW Role-Out Project based in Mexico and in European Countries.
- Team lead, role coordination SAP BW and Portal.
- ASML, Eindhoven, Netherlands
- Team lead SAP Security and Segregation of Duties in a global Role-Out Project.
- NESTLÉ GLOBE CENTER, Frankfurt, Germany
- SAP Security and User Management in a global SAP Role-Out Project.
- Project coordination, realization.
- AVENTIS GERMANY, Frankfurt, Germany
- EHS Product Safety (EHS-SAF) and Indusrial Hygiene and Safety (EHS-IHS).
- BAYER AG, Cologne, Germany
- SAP Security in several BAYER Companies.
- DEUTSCHE BAHN AG, Frankfurt, Germany
- Data Warehouse Management.
- SAP AG, Waldorf, Germany
- Inhouse Acceptance Tests for new Software Releases.
- KÖNIG + NEURATH, Karben, Germany
- Team Lead SAP Production Planning and Variant Configuration in a SAP Implementation Project.
- CONTI TECH, Karben, Germany
- SAP Production Planning and Variant Configuration in an Implementation Project.